Thursday, March 17, 2011

"Nice Try Lao Che"

For those of you who don't recognize this, it is of Indiana Jones from the second movie as he is about to get on the plane to escape Lao Che, not knowing that the plane is owned by him, Indy taunts his enemy. The inspiration for this piece was twofold: 1- Indiana Jones is quite popular around our house right now. I let my oldest watch them and she really likes them. My other daughter is chomping at the bit to watch them and my son is starting to develop interest due to Lego Indiana Jones video games. As a result we checked out the first volume of the Adventures of Young Indiana Jones from the library. This leads to the other inspiration - 2- One of the special features is a documentary about Norman Rockwell. One of the comments on this was that Norman Rockwell captured moments in time or snapshots in his illustrations. This lead me to think that I could do that with DVDs and pause on a moment and capture. For a still unknown reason to me this is the moment I thought of and wanted to capture as a drawing. It turned into more of a technical challenge than I anticipated. My DVD player in the Living room goes into a screen saver mode a few minutes into being paused. The one in my bed room does not, but sitting on my bed drawing is not ideal. As usual, I began with a mechanical pencil and finished with a woodless pencil. Due to the fact that I was drawing Indy in a White Dinner Jacket I also used my gum eraser to return some white highlights.

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