Last Fall I encouraged my kids to make day of the dead alters around
Halloween. I intended mine to be done in honor of Jack "King" Kirby, co-creator of many Marvel
characters and creator of several DC ones as well. This sketch was all I was able to do and I only just recently finished and cleaned it up. When Jack Kirby worked for DC comics his drawings
for superman were altered prior to publication to fit the "house style" of their flagship
DC's attitude was that they did not want their comics to look like Jack Kirby comics but like all other DC comics. This drawing I tried to do in his style with wild background energy and all (you can see that influence in a lot of my work). Most of the time Kirby did not ink his work, most of his surviving
originals are raw pencil drawings. I will leave it to fans to judge if i
succeeded in capturing the Kirby style or not.