A Few months ago, in my children's Bible study workbook, it asked the children to draw a picture describing how Jacob felt when his other sons told him that his beloved son Joseph had been killed by wild animal attack (for those of you not familiar with the story from the book of Genesis Josephs' brothers being jealous, because Jacob favored Joseph and because Joseph had prophetic dreams that his brothers would all bow down before him, they sold him to slave traders bound for Egypt and faked his murder putting animal blood on Joseph's special coat of many colors). The emotion of losing a beloved child was not too hard to imagine for this piece and it simply drew itself out without a lot of creative energy. The exception was the hands which I worked and reworked several times. I tried to capture the moment when Jacobs' sons present him with the bloody remnents of Josephes coat. I wanted all of the emotion of the scene to come out in Jacobs face and hands.