Friday, December 31, 2010

Landscape I

To start off the new year, something a little different. I actually started this drawing a few months ago. One night the Family was all together in the school room (at our house) drawing and I decided to challenge myself with something I don't usually draw. This is the type of piece my fine arts teachers would have hated, due to the fact I did not draw this from nature or a photograph. It is basically a made up piece using some drawing tricks for the illusion of a mountain landscape (very "Bob Ross Esqe"). My wife however likes it, so that pretty much settles it.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Prisoner of the Gospel

This pencil drawing was inspired by a sermon series from the book of Philippians. The Apostle Paul wrote his letter to the church at Philippi from prison in Rome. Philippians 4:12 "I know how to get along with humble means, and I also know how to live in prosperity; in any and every circumstance I have learned the secret of being filled and going hungry, both of having abundance and suffering need." I tried to depict that contentment in this piece. I have for years been expirementing with this visual idea but struggled to make it work satisfactorly with the right narrative. I am overall pleased with this piece, though I might try it in pen and ink? Both my oldest daughter and a friend were impressed that I had Greek writing on the scroll (just so you know its not, there just random designs I drew), well it is Greek to me anyway (and maybe to you too?). I alwas felt like God needed to put Paul in prison in order to stop him from preaching the gospel long enough to write his letters to the churches he helped start; and thus a large portion of the New Testament.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Batman: The Dark Knight

The book end to Superman. An old drawing whose theme you will notice coming up in other works. Pen and ink drawing Batman is a good subject for light and dark. My wife actually likes this one (which is why it was posted). Note the poor lettering skills.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010


This is a painting I did on the wall of my sons room. I wish I could tell you he insisted on this painting, but he was a baby when I started this, it was all me and his Mom. The tough part of this project was my wife. She is a big Superman fan and I was required to do several sketches before she finally approved this one. Over all this piece went pretty smoothly. I do everything free hand so one never knows. I did misjudge the size and space slightly (as you can see by the hand cut off at the window) but not bad overall. Just for the record my son does like it but now wants Spider-man, rest of the Justice League and the Avengers on his wall. Also a little talk that Daddy paints on the walls...ONLY DADDY.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Hero Headquarters

These are the two set pieces I did for Vaction Bible school for our church this summer. The theme for this year had been a super hero story. For some reason one of the orginizers asked me to paint the sets. My initial vision had been for something a little more abstract. However the initial drawings I did to demonstrate that I could do a cityscape were detailed pen and ink drawings ... and so this is what got painted. The sets were 12' long by 8 ' high. I have never painted on such a large scale and learned what not to do in the process. This project had a deadline and the whole family ended up getting involved to help complete it. My youngest daughter and son helped with the initial priming and the sky blue color. My oldest daughter painted some lines on the buildings after I drew them. My wife also did lines and a lot of color on the buldings. I was working on this on some Sundays when people were at the church and some weeknights as well. Around T-ball and softball. Finally it was the last Saturday and the sets had to be ready by Sunday. We started at 11:00 Saturday morning (after a T-ball game) and finished at 04:00 AM Sunday morning. Like a lot of art projects I was not entirly satisfied and felt I sacrificed too much detail and quality, but the key to a job well done is that the job is done.

Friday, May 21, 2010

" I will go down to the grave, mourning for my son."

A Few months ago, in my children's Bible study workbook, it asked the children to draw a picture describing how Jacob felt when his other sons told him that his beloved son Joseph had been killed by wild animal attack (for those of you not familiar with the story from the book of Genesis Josephs' brothers being jealous, because Jacob favored Joseph and because Joseph had prophetic dreams that his brothers would all bow down before him, they sold him to slave traders bound for Egypt and faked his murder putting animal blood on Joseph's special coat of many colors). The emotion of losing a beloved child was not too hard to imagine for this piece and it simply drew itself out without a lot of creative energy. The exception was the hands which I worked and reworked several times. I tried to capture the moment when Jacobs' sons present him with the bloody remnents of Josephes coat. I wanted all of the emotion of the scene to come out in Jacobs face and hands.

Monday, May 17, 2010

A Super-Girl

This is a picture of my oldest daughter in her Halloween costume from 2008. It is a pencil drawing done like all of my pencil drawings with a mechanical pencil. I was attempting to do a photo-realistic drawing. I did not achieve this but like the piece anyway. I loved her pose and facial expression like she is saying; "so Brainiac... We meet again". She really is a super girl.

Hand 1

This is another pencil drawing. It is from the many figure drawing exercises I do out of Burn Hogarths' dynamic figure drawing book. I liked the execution and and layout of this one enough to make it a finished drawing. I guess I should give myself a hand.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

This is an oil painting I did in the days after September 11, 2001. It is a picture in the aftermath of the World Trade Center coming down by terrorist attack. This occured shortly after my oldest daughter was born and i was trying to put into the painting the emotions I felt at the time. This painting I did almost all in one sitting using grayish oil paint. I spread the paint across the canvas like a wash and used Q-tips dipped in odorless mineral spirits and and hand towels to create the image. All told it took about 5 hours. After it dried I added the little bit of color in thin washes

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Back when I was in art school I did a triptych depicting Holy Week. The third part was Easter that I had done with pastels depicting Jesus emerging from the tomb with an angel rolling the stone away; I was never happy with how that turned out reworking the idea over the years. Conceptually I like this pen and ink version but am not sure this is my final take on the subject. I always had the concept of trying to depict the fact that Jesus had been prepared for burial incompletely and at the same time not to have him look like "The Mummy". At the same time having sense of power behind the event that conquered sin and death.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Avengers Assemble

An example of drawing what I am told to... in this case by my son. After watching the Ultimate Avengers movie he wanted me to draw "all of the Avengers" (Which means all of the ones from the movie). Although I chose to draw them as they appear in the regular Avengers comics instead of how they looked in the movie. For those of you not familiar with The Avengers (or if you are thinking your a lousy artist that looks nothing like John Steed or Mrs. Peel) top left is the Wasp, to the right is Thor, The big guy in back is Giant Man, Infront of him is Iron Man and below is the Hulk, out in front is Captain America, to the right is Black Widow and behind her is Nick Fury.

Friday, May 7, 2010


I first started exploring the idea of Jesus on the cross based on the scripture "My God, My God why have you forsaken me?" attending Good Friday servises in 2004. I kept working the theme of the desolation and lonliness of the cross, knowing that this is certainly an already well explored area in art. I did several pencil drawings and then this pen and ink. I have also worked this picture in an oil painting.-DCK